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20 products
  1. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  2. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  3. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  4. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  5. Bresciani man men's blue heels 155641 - photo 2
    Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  6. Bresciani man men's blue heels 155641 - photo 2
    Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  7. Bresciani man men's blue heels 155641 - photo 2
    Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  8. Bresciani man men's blue heels 155641 - photo 2
    Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  9. Bresciani man men's blue heels 155641 - photo 2
    Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  10. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  11. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  12. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  13. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  14. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  15. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  16. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
  17. Regular Price 15 400 ₸
20 products
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Bresciani is well known for the excellent quality and wide range of socks that offer outstanding comfort. Their socks are made from high-quality materials like mercerized cotton, cashmere, linen, and wool, often using blends of these premium fabrics. Each step of the sock manufacturing process is carefully overseen to guarantee customer approval. Bresciani's dedication to perfection makes their products perfect for fulfilling the requirements of even the most selective clients.